合:Good afternoon,boys and girls!Welcome to our Christmas party! (大家下午好,欢迎大家来参加我们的圣诞聚会) Jack: With the snow flakes falling from the sky.
Mandy: With the Christmas carols resounding in our ears.
Jack: with the Christmas presents passing through our friends and ourselves.
Mandy: with the kindest Santa Clausin red walking towards us.
合: Let’s shout,"Christmas is coming!Merry Christmas!!!"
Jack:Hello,I’m jack.I’m honored to have the chance to be your host today. I'd
like to extend our a warm welcome to youon behalf of the QiXiang Education.I
wish everyone a very happy Christmas. 公文汇,办公文档之家
Mandy:Before we go,I’d like you to know that we plan various interesting
programs and games for today’s party.We hope you would join them and have some fun.
Jack: First of all,Let’s welcome our principal Mr.Liu to give us a welcome
(首先请我们刘校长致欢迎词。) ……
Mandy: Thank you,Mr.Liu.
Jack: Now,the first program,all the students should learn the PPT about the
(现在,我们的第一个节目是所有学生一起学习与圣诞节有关的PPT) …… 公文汇,办公文档之家
Mandy: Now,I will ask some question about Christmas.Who can
answer the question.Who can get gift!
1.每年的几月几日是耶稣诞生的日子呢?(12月25日) 2.平安夜是哪一天?(12月24日)
3.耶稣是在哪里出生的?(马槽上) 4.圣诞节和我们中国的什么节日相似(春节) 5.小朋友们知道圣诞色有哪几种颜色吗?(红绿白) 6.圣诞老人都耳熟能详吧,他是骑什么来的呢?(驯鹿雪橇) 7.圣诞老人是把圣诞礼物是装在哪里送给小朋友的呢?(袜子) 8."圣诞快乐"用英文怎么说?(Merry Christmas)
9."思想汇报专题圣诞老人"用英文怎么说?(Santa Claus or Father Christmas )
all the students should sing the song《we wish you merry Christmas》
(现在,让我们大家一起唱这首歌《we wish you merry Christmas》 公文汇
以上是《英文圣诞节晚会主持词》的范文参考详细内容,涉及到我们、大家、圣诞节、圣诞、聚会、伴随、圣诞老人、今天等范文相关内容,希望网友能有所收获。 公文汇,办公文档之家