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时间:2018-02-06 简历求职 我要投稿

  本页是网络最新发布的《五要点打造完美英文简历》的详细范文参考文章,好的范文应该跟大家分享,这里给大家转摘到网络。 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

   First,make a list of your previous jobs and educational qualifications.Then,write down everything you can remember including the company information,certificates,degrees,your job titles and duties,and specific accomplishments. 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  An objective is a goal,and many employers want to know your employment goal when you apply to work for them.It helps them determine if you're a good match.Include a heading at the beginning of your resume called "Objective"and then write a short statement.Example: "To work in a dynamic marketing department." 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  A duty is an assigned task.An accomplishment is an achievement - a positive result of your efforts.Employers like to know what your tasks were in past jobs,but they're more interested in what you achieved.So when describing past jobs,brag a little!Cite specific accomplishments.Example: One of your duties was doing staff scheduling,and you solved a big scheduling problem.Write,"Solved scheduling conflict." 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  Since you have lots to say,but little space,resume writing standards allow for abbreviated sentence construction.Leave out sentence subjects (e.g.I,my manager),possessive pronouns (my/mine,his/hers),and sometimes even articles (the,a).If you're listing more than one accomplishment in a sentence you can replace "and"with a semicolon.Example: "I led an important project and my manager gave me an award"would become "Led key project;awarded by manager." 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  Action verbs show a specific action,e.g.solved,managed,initiated,accomplished.Examples of passive verbs are am,was,have and had.In a resume,action verbs make you sound like a motivated,energetic person - just the type someone would want to hire!Example: "Managed a team of 20 employees"sounds more powerful than "Was in charge of 20 employees."


  目标就是发展方向,而且很多雇主在你申请工作的时候都想要知道你的就业目标。这能帮助他们决定你是否适合这份工作。在简历的第一部分加上一个叫做"Objective"开头并写一段短小的陈述。例如: "To work in a dynamic marketing department."

  责任是指定的任务范文内容地图。成就是完成的成绩-你努力后获得的正面的成果。雇主希望知道你在过去从事的工作中担任何种职责,并对你获得的成就更感兴趣。因此当谈到过去的工作,稍稍吹嘘一点!提到特别获得的成就。例如:你的一项职责就是安排员工的工作,而你解决了一项很大的安排问题。写上,"Solved scheduling conflict."

  虽然你有很多要说的,但是空间有限,简历写作的标准允许你使用缩写句。可以省略句子主题(e.g.I,my manager),物主代词,(my/mine,his/hers),以及有时甚至冠词(the,a)。心得体会如果你在一句句子中要列出不止一个成就的话你可以用"and"取代分号。例如:“我负责一项非常重要的项目而且我的经理给予了我奖励”可以写成"Led key project;awarded by manager."

  行为动词表示一个特殊的行为,例如Action solved,managed,initiated,accomplished。助动词有 am,was,have和had。在简历中,行为动词让你听起来更有目的性,更充满活力-即是想要雇佣的那种类型!例如: "Managed a team of 20 employees"听起来比"Was in charge of 20 employees."更有权利。










