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As a student of YIWU Industrial Commercial college , I feel very honor. I am glad to study in this school ,not only I meet many teacher and good friends, but also I learn a lot in 3 years. 稿子汇,范文学习文库

As we know, our college is famous for entrepreneurship training. Taobao provide many employment opportunities and also give a lot youth entrepreneurship. So as students, is it good opening a shop in Taobao ? What are the advantages and disadvantages ? Let us talk about beblow. First, the online shopping environment has been more and more mature, more and more people are online shopping, online shopping has been a general trend; and also I think that college students should do some part-time job, on the one hand for the accumulation of social experience, on the one hand part-time job can support themselves, and opening a Taobao shop can be a part-time job for students, and is very appropriate one. Therefore, I support the students opening shop in Taobao.


I have do the Taobao business for almost a year .I have two shops .One is sell knitting class .The other is sell skateboards .In this year , I learn a lot. Such as product promotion , handling customer service. In all conscience ,I make many mistakes .When I received a bad review , I will seriously deal with. Now, the favorable rate of my shop is 99.71%.I can’t guarantee everyone gave me a good evaluation. What I can do is try my best to make the customers satisfied. How to sell more products is a problem bothered most of sellers. After practice and study . I get some experience, In YiWu, Knitting class is famous of the low price. But the quality is not so good. Besides, there are too many people sell the same products. There is no doubt a same product sells different price. If I sell very expensive, few people will buy. But if I sell very cheap, I can’t make much money. So, good description is necessary ,.The most important is the description of the products should different from other sellers though we sell the same product. The description of the products should attractive and appearance .The picture of the product should show the characteristic clearly. Special discount maybe can attract some customers. Some product have set the special discount, I find more Sales increase .Shop decoration should be warm and fragrant. Yiwu is a very vibrant city .We can find all kind of products in Yiwu International Trade City .As far as I am concerned , Yiwu is a city that suitable do business. Make good use of this market is very important .We should learn how to use the limited money to do more business. The opportunity is to rely on people to find. A few days ago ,I registered a company. I feel great pressure. I have no experience on how to run the company .The reason of I registered a company is I want do the group purchase. Only you have a company , will they cooperate with you. The road ahead is full of challenges, We should pay more efforts.

公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

I believe if we work hard everyday, we will find a way led to success.

稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com


我的大学生活 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

时间匆匆如流水,转眼之间大学四年就接近了尾声.站在时间的年轮上,暮然回首,我们才发现大学四年是如此的精彩.孤独和快乐并存,悠闲与奋斗同在,怯弱与勇敢想生.啊,曾经的我们为了一道高数题而冥思苦想,曾经的我们对幼稚的行为而哈哈大笑,曾经的我们面对着未知的未来而胆怯不前.然而,现在的我们已经大有不同了,四年的风雨成就了我们.我们明白了什么才是孤独的,什么才是勇敢,什么才是真正的奋斗.在即将进入社会之时,努力把没完成的学科补充完整,在工作中积极努力,达到学以致用,上进勤奋,把自己上学期间的惰性 完全改正,勇于面对困难与挫折,在困难中成长,在社会上成为有用的社会栋梁。此时面对着我可爱的同学,面对着美丽的校园,我心中虽有千言万语,却只字难出。漫漫求索,细细寻思,最后我想对自己的大学生活,也对身边将远踏异地的同学说三句话。

第一,苦难是一笔财富。道路没有永恒的平坦,人生没有不变的常态。悄然回首四年的大学生活,晨曦与泛星可以为证,图书馆和自习室也曾见证,其实每一个人的大学之路并非轻松,并非坦途。 第二,我们应少流泪多流汗,珍惜眼前拥有。不是因为时机我们才拥有才华,而是因为才华我们才能把握时机。而才能的积累,其实并非在朝夕间。



吾将上下而求索”。在以后的日子中,我一定得更加严格要求自己,改正缺点,不断努力,不断进步大学是人生一个里程碑,里程碑的周围往往有着很多很多的叉路口,而毕业则意味着我们不得不去选择一条路继续走下去.毕业前,我们努力了;毕业时,我们流泪了;毕业后呢?让我们将感恩的心、激动的泪和深情的爱 化作虔诚的祝福,祝福每个人都能够拥有美好的明天!


