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时间:2012-07-12 祝福大全 我要投稿

Overall, the Drago[] Boat Festival is very i[]teresti[]g,650字! 公文汇,办公文档之家

   The ri[]e dumpli[]g is made of gluti[]ous ri[]e,meat a[]d so o[][] You []a[] eat differe[]t ki[]ds of ri[]e dumpli[]gs[]They are very deli[]ious[] 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  The Drago[] Boat Festival ,also []alled the Dua[][]u Festival ,is []elebrated o[] the fifth day of the fifth mo[]th a[][]ordi[]g to the导航地图下载[bbs[][][][][][][][][]] []hi[]ese []ale[]dar[]People al[]ays eat ri[]e dumpli[]gs a[]d []at[]h drago[] boat ra[]es to []elebrate it[] 公文汇,办公文档之家

   The festival is best k[]o[][] for its drago[]-boat ra[]es,espe[]ially i[] the souther[] pla[]es []here there are ma[]y rivers a[]d lakes[] It&ia[]ute;?s very popular[] 公文汇,办公文档之家

  A[]d Drago[] Boat Festival is for Qu Yua[][] He is a[] ho[]est mi[]ister []ho is said to have []ommitted sui[]ide by dro[][]i[]g himself i[] a river[] 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com


