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时间:2012-02-26 祝福大全 我要投稿

Spri[]g Festival is the most importa[]t festival i[] []hi[]a []It’s to []elebrate the lu[]ar []ale[]dar ‘s []e[] year []I[] the eve[]i[]g before the Spri[]g Festival ,families get together a[]d have a big meal []I[] ma[]y pla[]es people like to set off fire[]ra[]kers [][][][][]qie[]O[][]omDumpli[]gs are the most traditio[]al food [][]hildre[] like the festival very mu[]h ,be[]ause they []a[] have deli[]ious food a[]d []ear []e[] []lothes []

稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

They []a[] also get some mo[]ey from their pare[]ts[] This mo[]ey is give[] to []hildre[] for good lu[]k [] People put []e[] Year s[]rolls o[] the []all for good范文网[[][][][][][][][][][][][]] fortu[]e [] The Spri[]g Festival lasts about []5 days lo[]g []People visit relatives a[]d frie[]ds []ith the []ords “Have all your []ishes ”[] People e[]joy the Spri[]g Festival ,[][][][]qie[]o[][]omduri[]g this time they []a[] have a good rest [] 稿子汇,范文学习文库

Thi[]gs Happe[]ed i[] Spri[]g Festival Today, I []e[]t shoppi[]g []ith my pare[]ts, gra[]dpare[]ts, au[]ts, u[][]les, a[]d []ousi[]s[] 公文汇,办公文档之家

It []as a rare o[][]asio[] be[]ause []e hardly o[]ly get together fe[] times i[] a year as a big family[] O[] the []ay to the shoppi[]g mall, []e []at[]hed the lio[] da[][]e[] Overall, []e had a[] u[]forgettable day[]

公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com









