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时间:2018-12-22 祝福大全 我要投稿

  wishing you all the joy of the season and a new year of health, happiness and good fortune. 公文汇,办公文档之家

  may warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings arrive on new year‘s day and stay with you the whole year 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  through. 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  may life bring its best and finest to you, may all your days be happy and bright with good cheer throughout the year!

稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  greetings on new year‘s day! may it bring you pleasure, health, luck and all the best. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  may the new year brings much happiness to you and be happier than any year before. be happy, healthy and successful!

  raise a glass of celebration, now the new year has begun. hope all your dreams, plans and wishes will come true.

  have a merry christmas and a new year that‘s filled with happiness!

  may the beautiful white snowflakes dancing in the sky carry my best wishes to you for a happy and prosperous new year.


