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时间:2017-09-22 医院总结 我要投稿

  网络最近发表了一篇名为《初一英语作文60字左右》的范文,感觉很有用处,为了方便大家的阅读。 公文汇,办公文档之家


公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

初一英语60词小短文 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

Liu Kai is my classmate.He is a good student and always ready to help others. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

One day on his way to school,he saw a little girl crossing the road.A car was coming towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move.The car nearly hit her.Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm.The little girl was saved.She told him where she lived,and he took her home.When LiuKai hurried into the classroom,the teacher had already begun his lesson.He told the teacher why he was late.He was then praised for what he had done. 公文汇,办公文档之家



写作注意点: 1、注意审题 2、注意格式

3、注意语句通顺、语法正确 4、注意字数

5、不写无把握的句子,用最简单的句子表达。6、注意语句的积极向上 7、下笔之前先打稿。

Unit 5 topic 1 A卷

My Day

I get up at half past six every morning.Then I have breakfast at about seven.After that,I go to school by bike.In the morning,I have four classes.At about twelve o’clock,I have lunch at school.We have two classes in the afternoon.I usually get home at five.In the evening,I do my homework at home.Then I watch TV for a little while.At about half past nine,I go to bed.

Unit 5 topic 2 A卷


内容:今天下午4:50我们学校的学生队和教师队有一场篮球友谊篮球赛在学校体育馆,欢迎大家届时观看。Attention please!There is a basketball game between our students and teachers at 4:50 this afternoon.The game is in the gym in our school.It will be very interesting and exciting.Come and watch it!

Unit 5 topic 3 A卷

My School Life

My name is Meimei.I’m in Class 3,Grade 7.My school life is very interesting.

Classes begin at 7:50 am.I have g four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.We study many subjects.They are art,history,geography,biology and other subjects.I like art.I often draw pictures with my classmates.Classes finish at 4:30 pm.

After school,I like playing volleyball on the playground with my friends.Sometimes I play pingpong.Every Tuesday and Thursday,I go to the school library to borrow some books.I also like reading.My teachers are all very friendly to us.I like my school life very much.

Unit 6 topic 1 A卷

新年刚过,你全家将喜迁新居,你也将拥有自己的卧室,请你充分发挥自己的想象,为你的卧室布置一下。请以”My Bedroom” 为题,写一片50字左右的短文,描述一下你理想中的卧室。

My bedroom

My family moved to a new house,So I have two bedrooms now.I want my parents to buy a computer for me.I want to put it next to my bed.I will put my bed next to the window,so I can enjoy the beautiful shunshine every day.I

want light blue curtain.I will put a lot of toys in my bedroom.What do you think of my plan?

Unit 6 topic 2 A卷思想汇报专题

根据下面表格的内容提示,用英语写出cities 和 suburbs 的区别。

Cities are often big and suburbs are small.They are quite different.Cities are usually busy.The living cost in the city is high and the traffic is busy.Suburbs are clean and quiet.there are many house with big yards in the suburbs.And the people enjoy living in a house with a garden.

Unit 6 topic 3 A卷


I am going out for a walk with my mother.On the road,we meet a foreigner.He asks me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.I tell him he can walk along the street and take the second turning on the left,then he will see the hotel.He thanks me very much for my help.I am happy to help him.

Unit 6B卷

你的生日马上就要到了,你准备邀请你的好朋友Lucy来参加你的生日聚会,告诉她怎样才能到你家。写作提示:1、告诉她你的生日是什么时候?2、都有谁来参加你的生日聚会 3、坐什么车来 4、你家周围有什么明显的标志性的建筑 Dear Lucy,

My birthday is coming,so I ask some good friends to come to my house for party on Saturday evening.I can tell you the way to my house.First,take a taxi from your house.Then pass a bank on your right and go along the Zhongshan Street.When you see a big supermarket,turn left.My house is between the park and the theater.It will be on your right.You can’t miss it.

Yours Sally 期中测试B卷


I live in an apartment building.There is a big living room in my house.We often watch TV in this room.There is a kitchen next to the living room.Behind the kitchen,there’s a bathroom.There are two bedrooms.One is for my parents and the other one is for me.The study is next to my bedroom.There is a computer in it.There are many books in it,too.

My house is beautiful.Do you think so?

Unit 7 topic 2 A卷

学校文体部要招聘一名委员,要求多才多艺。Linda想去应聘,请根据所给提示写一篇演讲稿件。Hello,everyone!My name is Linda.I’m very glad to be here.I can sing very well,and play the piano.I like

drawing and I can draw nice pictures.I often draw pictures for our class.I also like sports.I am a girl,but I cann play football with boys.I can’t paly volleyball.I am learning it now.That’s all.Thank you!

Unit 7 topic 3 A卷范文写作


Last Sunday,Mrs King came hone from work very late.When she opened the door,she found many kinds of dishes on the table.When she was looking at the table,jenny and Tom came out of her back quietly.One covered her eyes and the other took a big birthday cake in hands.Mrs King saw the beautiful cake when she opened her eyes.Jenny and Tom smiled and sang”Happy Birthday” to her.Mrs King remembered it’s her birthday.She was very happy.And she’s enjoying the delicious cake with her daughter and son.

Unit 8 topic 1 A卷


The weather is very strange this week.On Monday,it’s sunny.On Tuesday it’s cloudy.On Wednesday,it’s rainy.On Thursday,there is a lot of wind,and on Friday,it is snowy.But on Saturday,It’s sunny.It’s a fine day.We are very happy.

Unit 8 topic 2 A卷


Last summer holidays,I went to Yunnan with my parents.We went there by train.The train was very crowded.We stayed there for five days.We visited Kunming,Dali,Lijiang and xishuangbanna.It’s warm there.All the places are very beautiful.The local people are friendly.And the food there is very delicious.We had a good time there.

Unit 8 topic 3 A卷


Dear Bob,

How are you?It is autumn now in China.Mid-autumn Festival is coming.You said that you wanted to know something about Chinese festivals.Now let me begin with Mid-autumn Festival.Like Thanksgiving Day in the USA,the Mid-autumn Festival is a harvest festival,too.On the evening of Mid-autumn Festival,we usually suit around the table and enjoy the full moon.The moon looks bright and round that evening.On that day many families have a big dinner.We also eat mooncakes and fruit.I hope you can come and celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival with us next year.

Best wishes to you!


Unit 8 B卷

Good evening.Here’s the weather report for the next 24 hours.Beijing will be sunny.The high temperature will be 6℃最全面的范文参考写作网站,and the low temperature will be -4℃,Harbin will be very cold.The high temperature will be -3℃ and the low temperature will be -15℃.It’s good for skating.Xi’an will be cloudy,and the temperature will be from 0℃ to 7℃.That’s all for today’s weather report.Thanks for listening.


假如你的暑假和你的父母一起到杭州游玩,请根据下列提示,写一篇60词左右的短文。1、假期最有趣的一件事情就是到杭州旅游。2、杭州是我国最美的城市之一,有许多名胜古迹 3、游园,泛舟、爬山,美好时光终身难忘。

I spent the most interesting summer hiloday last year.During the holiday,I visited Hangzhou with my parents.Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in our country.We traveled to the West Lake and went boating and clombed the hills.We also visited some other places of interest and had a good time.I love Hangzhou.

应用文写作 1、寻物启事


My school student card My name is Rick.

Please call882-4758.Thank you!



A red coat

Please call the lost and found Phone:882-8569


For Rent

Small apartment for students ¥850 a month Call Ms Zhang Tel:5689710



House with furniture for a family of three Please call Mr Li at 8828-9598


初一下册书面表达荟萃(module 1---module6)

1) 每个人都有自己的爱好,如体育、音乐、舞蹈、社交、写作、绘画等。你的爱好是什么呢?对你来说爱好又意味着什么呢?请写一篇80词左右的小短文介绍一下自己的爱好。

My hobby

I have lots of hobbies.I like sports,music,dancing and drawing.But I like drawing best.It is my favourite hobby.I think drawing is the happiest thing in the world.It can make me happy all the time.I can draw much better now.My parents are both happy to see my nice pictures.My classmates all say that I am good at drawing.I hope I can be an artist when I grow up.


It’s Teachers’ Day.Students in Class Three are getting ready for the day.Look!Zhou Ji is drawing a picture.Wang Tao is making cards for his teachers.Li Ting is sweeping the floor.Liu Mei is writing “Happy Teachers’ Day” on the blackboard.Zhang Jie is decorating the classroom with balloons.They are all very happy.They want to give a surprise to their teachers.

3) 假如你叫张华网络,请根据下面的提示给你在美国的笔友安迪(Andy) 写封信,介绍一下你家是如何过春节的。要求: 词数不少于50词,其中信的开头已经给出(不包含在总词数内)。(提示: the most important festival;come in January or February;clean the house;go shopping;have a haircut;on New Year’s Eve;have a big dinner;enjoy fireworks put on new clothes;visit friends)

It’s the most important festival in China.It is usually in January or February.In my family,we usually

clean the house first.Then we go shopping and get a lot of food ready.At the same time,we buy new clothes and have a haircut.On New Year’s Eve,family members have a big dinner together,watch TV and enjoy fireworks.On New Year’s Day,we put on our new clothes and visit our friends.I like it very much.


Zhang Hua

4) 看图,根据图片提示写一篇短文介绍吴眉这个星期六、日的上、下午要做的事情。

This weekend Wu Mei is very busy.On Saturday morning she is going to have a piano lesson.In the afternoon she is going to have a picnic with her friends.

On Sunday morning Wu Mei is going to go to Peter’s birthday party.In the afternoon she is going to stay at home and revise for her maths test.

5) 假如你和几位朋友此刻正在伦敦观光。请根据英文和图片提示,写一张明信片给你


提示:enjoy the school trip;write to;visit many places;have a good time


Dear Mum,

Greetings from London!

How are you?We’re enjoying the school trip in London.Now I’m writing to you.London is a beautiful city.We visit many places.Do you know what we are doing now?Let me tell you.Some of us are taking photos,some are swimming,some are shopping,some are eating and some are listening to music.Look!Miss Li,our teacher,is talking on the phone.We’re having a good time!

See you soon.


Li Hua

6) 假设下表是你及你家人在2008年的新年计划,请根据表格内容并以Our Plans in New Year为题写一篇英语短文,要求语句通顺,语意连贯,语法正确,词数在60词左右。(短文的开头已经给出)

Our plans in New Year My father is going to find a new job to make more money.My mother is going to work hard and look after the family well.My sister and my brother are going to study hard to get good results.They hope to go to a good university.I’m also going to work hard on my study.

I think we will be better next year.

7) 根据要求写一篇约50字左右的通知。提示:假设你班将举行一次活动。请根据下面要点用英语拟一份书面通知:

1.下周日去参观长城2.乘车去3.自己带午饭和饮料 4.早晨6:30在校门口集合,请准时到。

8) 根据图片提示,写一篇短文,描述我们将来的生活。


Life in the future will be very comfortable.Robots will help us do many jobs.They will help us do the housework.They will clean the house and cook food.And they will care for old people.They will work in the factories and help workers do heavy work.We will work two days a week,so we will have lots of free time.

9) 根据所给材料,介绍 Karl 的基本情况。



10) 假如你叫陆威,李明和李桦是双胞胎兄弟,也是你的好朋友。星期六下午五点你到他们家去找他们,碰巧(happen to do)他们不在。请用英语给他们写一个便条,内容如下:

1. 你们班打算明天上午去中山公园(Zhongshan Park)游玩,请他们一起参加。

2. 明天上午6点30在校门口集合,7点乘校车出发。请自带午饭,带上照相机(camera)。


3. 请回电话:3843396。


Tomorrow morning,our class are going to visit Zhongshan Park.I hope you can go with us.We’ll meet at the school gate at 6:30 am.At 7:00,we’ll go by a school bus.Please take your lunch.After lunch we will go to the cinema.We will come back at 4:00 pm.

If you can go with us,take your camera,please.We want to take some photos.Would you like to go with us?Please telephone me (Tel: 3843396).


Lu Wei

11) 请以My hometown为题写一篇英语短文,介绍自己家乡独特的地理特征、气候或风景名胜。要求:1.内容具体,语言流畅;2.标点准确,语法恰当;3.书写工整,不少于50词。

My hometown

Beijing is my hometown.It’s the capital of China.It’s in the north of China.It’s warm in spring and it’s hot in summer.It’s cool in autumn and it’s cold in winter.It’s a big city with a long history.There are lots of old buildings.And it’s famous for the Great Wall.Welcome to my hometown and you will enjoy it.

12) 下面是John 下周日(next Sunday)的安排(用将来时和be going to 句型),请根据下面的要求用第三人称(他)写一篇50词左右的短文。

1.星期日七点半起床。2.上午和妈妈一起去动物园。3.中午(at noon)短暂休息(have a break)后去买东西。4.下午和朋友一起去踢球。(用比较级说说踢球和其他运动)5.他擅长阅读,晚上看《西行漫记》(Red Star Over China)

John will have lots of plans next Sunday.He is going to get up at 7:30 in the morning.After breakfast he’s going to the zoo with his mother.At noon,he’ll have a break.Then he’s

going shopping.He’s going to play football with his friends.He thinks playing football is more exciting than the other sports.He is good at reading.So he’s going to read Red Star Over China at night.He’ll be very busy on that day.

14) 假设你是一名桂林人,现在请你为来桂林旅游的游客们充当一名导游。请根据下列要点提示写一篇50词左右的英语小短文,可适当发挥。


1.桂林山水甲天下(Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere.);2.位于广西


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to Guilin!Everyone knows that Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere.Guilin is in the north of Guangxi.The population of the city is over six hundred thousand.The hills in Guilin are green and the water is clear.It is famous for its beautiful scenery.Every year lots of visitors come to visit Guilin.

I hope you will have a good time in Guilin.Thank you!

15) “五一”假期(May Day)就快到了,写一篇不少于50字的短文,介绍你和你的家人或朋友的假期活动安排。

16) 现在北京正在为2008年的奥运会积极准备,你作为一名中学生,也不甘心落后。下面请根据提示,以“What can I do for the Green Olympics?”为题,表达出你准备为我们的绿色奥运做些什么。


提示:hold the 29th Olympic Games(举办第29届奥运会);the Green Olympics (绿色奥运);plant more flowers and trees;not throw rubbish away (不乱扔垃圾);not draw pictures on the wall;cleaner and more beautiful

What can I do for the Green Olympics?

This year,Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games.It will be Green Olympics.It means that we must make our country much cleaner and greener.As students,we must do something for the Green Olympics.

We mustn’t throw the rubbish away.We can’t draw pictures on the wall.We want to plant more flowers and trees in our country.I think our country will become cleaner and more beautiful.



书面表达(一): 请根据要点提示,写一篇60-80词的小短文。

要点提示: 1.我家附近有一家名叫Star Shopping Mall购物中心;












(59 words) 书面表达(四)



3.健康的饮食起居(日常的健康饮食和良好的作息习惯如:早睡早起、多做运动等) 注意:1。短文必须包含上述三条内容,可适当增加相关的内容,使意思表达更加完整;


So you see I live a very healthy life.Please vote for me.Thank you!

















第一节 书信











159 Tianxia Road,Kangle Town,Wanzai County,Jiangxi Province;日期可按“日—月—年”的顺序或“月—日—年”的顺序写。

2.信内地址(Inside Address):它是指收信人的姓名和地址,写在信笺的左上方,稍低于信头一至二行,在称呼语上方。顺序是先写收信人姓名,后写职务,再写地址(由小到大)。




Best wishes to you /Remember me to your family /Hoping to hear from you soon等。


Yours,/Yours ever,/Ever yours,/Always(Sincerely) yours,等等。




1.Thank you for your letter of September 1.

2.Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.

3.You letter come to me this morning.

4.I was delighted to receive your letter.

5.I am in receipt of your letter.

6.It?s a long time since I saw your last.

7.I have been missing you a lot since we met last time.

8.I am sorry for not writing to you sooner.

9.I am writing to you tell that ……

10.I often think of you.How are you recently?


1.Good luck!

2.Best wishes!

3.Take care of yourself,will you?

4.Send my love to your…

5.Please write to me when you have time.

6.Please write soon.

7.Let?s keep in touch.

8.I am looking forward to your next letter soon.

9.Thank you for an early reply.

10.Please tell me if you need my help.




2.战争已经持续十多天了。这些天来,大约二十万美、英士兵一直在攻击伊拉克(Iraq)。到目前为止,已经有很多房屋被摧毁(destroy),数以百计的平民(civilians) 在战争中被打死。伊拉克的儿童不能安静地上学,甚至连吃的都没有。




2.一些关键词:last 持续,two hundred thousand 二十万,be killed 被打死,live a…life 过着……生活,care about 关注。



No.28 Middle School


April 8,2005

Dear Mr President Bush,

I am a student from China.All my classmates and I are caring about the war between your country and Iraq.

So far,the war has lasted about ten days.During these days,about two hundred thousand soldiers from your country and Britain have kept attacking Iraq.Many houses have been destroyed.Hundreds of civilians have been killed in the war.What?s worse,the children in Iraq couldn?t go to school like the children in your country and all of us.They even have no food to eat.

Mr President Bush,will you please stop the war at once?Let the people in Iraq live a quiet life and let the children go back to their schools,will you?


Li Lei


1.假如你叫Li Ming,中学生,经常收听音乐节目,请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。信的要点如下:(1)你很喜欢这个节目,特别是英语歌曲;(2)学习很疲劳时,你会打开收音机,听这个节目;(3)从英语歌里你学了很多单词;你最喜欢“Take Me to Your Heart”这首歌,希望得到歌词(the words of a song)。


2.假定你叫周海,家住江西省南昌市北京西路 153号,你刚收到好友张辉8月15日的来信。他说对英语学习失去了信心,准备放弃,你很吃惊。现请你给他复信,劝他继续学习,并告诉他英语是一门重要学科,要有克服困难的意志,要有好的学习方法。写信时间为8月 20日,词数100左右。

3.你是尚佳,在昆明大学英语系(English Department)一年级读书,九月十五日给你父母亲(辽宁省海城市八里镇头道村)写了一封信,信中说,你到昆明半个月了。这里很美,四季如春,昆明人更美,处处盛开友谊(friendship)之花。昆大的老师和同学们对你都很好,恐怕东北人在此不适应(fit),他们便常常关照你,这里就像一个欢乐的大家庭,请你父母亲放心,待家里活忙完后,也来昆明住几天。请你用100字左右写出这封信的全文。





1) 欢迎他来宁波;2) 恰好你也有一个月的假期;3) 在宁波可以游泳、钓鱼、爬山、吃各种海鲜、浏览市容;4) 你们可以互相学习语言;5) 请对方告知到达的时间和航班号,以便去机场迎接。


要求:1) 语句通顺,合乎逻辑;

2) 词数80-100(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

提示词:survey 调查,trust 信任


1.No.28 Middle School


April 8,2005

Dear Mr Liu,

I?m a middle school student.In my spare time,I?d love to listen to the radio,especially the programme you present.When I am tired,I usually turn on my radio to relax.I enjoy the English songs in the programme most.From the songs,I learn new words.It is helpful in my English study.

I was wondering whether you could help me find the words of the song Take Me to Your Heart,as it is one of my favourites.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

2.153 Beijing West Road


August 20,2005

Dear Zhang Hui,

I have received your letter of August 15.I?m surprised to learn that you have lost heart in your English and that you want to give it up.

In my opinion,English is an important subject for us middle school students.It?s wrong for you to give it up.I hope you?ll go on studying English.You should have more confidence and when you are learning a language you will make mistakes,this is part of learning.Where there is a will,

there is a way.Besides,you must develop a good way of learning.If you have any questions,please don?t hesitate to ask your teacher for help.I?m sure you?ll make great progress in your English very soon.


Zhou Hai

3.Grade One

English Department

Kunming University 650032

Kunming,Yunnan Province

September 15,1999

Dear parents,

How are you?How time flies!I?ve been in Yunnan for nearly half a month.

All is beautiful here and so are the people.All the year is just like spring,and there are flowers of friendship here and there.

Here?s a big family and we are brothers and sisters.They take good care of me,for they are afraid it can?t fit a friend from the Northeast.So I?m very happy here and you needn?t worry.

Hope you come and visit here after farm work.

Yours loving,

Shang Jia

4.809 West Chang?an Street,Beijing

July 20,2005

Dear Zhao Tao,

I?ve been in Beijing for several days.I miss you very much.Does everything go well at home?Now let me tell you something about Beijing.

Beijing,our capital,is a very beautiful city.There are too many people,cars and big buildings in Beijing.There are all kinds of shops.They sell all kinds of things.There are lots of places of great interest.Now it?s the best time to visit Beijing.Too many travellers have come here.

Yesterday my father and I visited the Great Wall.How great!I was very excited when I saw the Great Wall.We took lots of photos.I saw lots of foreigners,they?re very interesting.We enjoyed ourselves very much there.

Zhao Tao,have you finished your lessons?I?m going home soon.

Please tell my mother not to worry about us.


Li Hai

5.Dear Betty,

Thank you for your last letter.I?m getting on well with all my subjects.I hope you can come to China one day.The following is the answer to your questions.The Spring Festival is the most important festival for China people.It always comes during winter holidays.It?s time for families to get together.People all have a big dinner in the evening before the Spring Festival.On the Spring Festival,every people wears their new clothes.People say “Happy New Dear” to each other.In the following few days,people will be busy visiting friends and relatives.Everyone enjoys the Spring Festival.Our winter holidays will come soon,so will the Spring Festival.I?m busy with my lessons now.I have to stop writing.Thank you for helping me with my English.







