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时间:2023-09-29 演讲稿 我要投稿

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经典英语演讲稿 篇1

good morning everybody. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

angelina jolie and i are delighted to welcome you to the global summit to end sexual violencein conflict. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

we began campaigning, as you probably know, two years ago because we believe the time hascome to end the use of rape in war once and for all, and we believe it can be done. 稿子汇,范文学习文库

we are convinced this is an issue of international peace and security, that is central toconflict prevention, that it is fundamental to the advancement of women’s rightseverywhere, and above all that it is a moral issue for our generation.

公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

for centuries the rape of women, girls, men and boys has been a feature of conflict andwarfare.

these crimes have been taking place on a vast scale without many people even being aware ofit.

and today the facts are beginning to emerge for all to see, thanks to courageous survivors,ngos, journalists, doctors and activists, many of whom are already here today.

we know how few of these crimes have ever been punished, but because of the impunity, theycontinue today in syria, south sudan and the central african republic, to name just a fewexamples.

what would it say about britain or any other nation if, knowing all this, we chose not to act, wechose to do nothing?

as was said of slavery in the 18th century:

now we know the facts, we cannot turn aside.

and so this week, we are bringing together here governments, experts, civil society, survivorsand members of the public here at the excel centre, in an unprecedented concentration ofeffort and attention on this issue:

today, we are hosting young people from across the world to discuss all the issues and to makerecommendations to the ministers, before the ministers get here.

tomorrow, over 1,000 experts and activists will take part in a multitude of events to addressissues from collecting evidence, to protecting children, to tackling sexual exploitation.

and on thursday, more than 117 countries, 70 ministers, several heads of state, many faithleaders from across the world will gather here.

we want this summit to shatter the culture of impunity for sexual violence, to increasesupport for survivors and to start changing the situation on the ground in the most affectedcountries. there are a whole range of practical actions that we want to achieve:

we will launch an international protocol that sets out how to document and investigatesexual violence, so that those on the ground have the best tools to collect information andevidence to bring perpetrators to justice.

we will ask countries to strengthen their laws so that there are no safe havens for thoseresponsible for warzone sexual violence, we will also urge all countries to train soldiers andpeace-keepers to prevent and respond to sexual violence more effectively.

we want countries to commit new funds for tackling sexual violence in conflict-affectedcountries like somalia and the democratic republic of congo, to do more to protect womenand girls in humanitarian emergencies, and to increase their support for human rightsdefenders who campaign for justice and help for survivors.

and i am pleased to announce this morning that the uk will pledge a further 6 million tosupport survivors of sexual violence in conflict – a further 6 million to help them rebuildtheir lives and rebuild communities.

but governments alone cannot end sexual violence in conflict, so this is much more than justa meeting of ministers.

we also want to help achieve a change in attitudes all over the world to these crimes – and youare part of changing those attitudes.

we want to shift the stigma from survivors onto the perpetrators of these crimes, so that they– not the innocent victims – bear the stigma.

we want to encourage men to speak out, we want to encourage men to speak out – to agreewith us that it is only a weak or inadequate man who abuses women. it is not, it’s not a sign ofstrength, it is the ultimate weakness and shame.

we want to draw attention to the hidden survivors of sexual violence, all those who have feltunable to speak out and who have suffered in silence including men and boys.

we want people around the world to understand the scale of the problem and the urgent needfor action, to recognise the damage it does to international peace and security and to bemobilised and inspired to work within their societies and with us to bear down on this terribleinjustice.

so each hour for the next 84 hours a british diplomatic post somewhere in the world will beholding an event to mirror what we are doing here in london. this event is round the clock allround the world. and i hope you will help us ensure that over the next three and a half daysthat this summit reaches the whole world.

we encourage anyone who cares about this issue to visit and to take part with us here: to seethe multitude of exhibitions, performances and films that are on show, and to join in thediscussions here physically and on social media.

i believe that foreign policy is no longer the sole preserve of governments, that we all need towork together in new ways to tackle global problems and this summit is an example of ourdetermination as the united kingdom to champion that.

angelina and i want to thank all the organisations, performers, activists and individuals heretoday for your inspiring work and your contributions to this effort, and we will urge all theministers to visit and see the exhibitions.

there are some people who say that these problems are so vast that our efforts will be in vain,but they fail to understand what governments, international organisations, civil society andpublic opinion can achieve when we all pull in the same direction.

from the abolition of slavery to the adoption of the arms trade treaty, we have shown that theinternational community can tackle vast global problems in a way that was once consideredto be impossible.

there is power in numbers and if we unite behind this cause we can create an unstoppablemomentum and consign this vile abuse to history.

with every injustice in the world, with every injustice in the world, a moment comes when thetide turns, when the pressure of public opinion and political will reaches a tipping point.

we have a remarkable opportunity over these next few days to build the momentumneeded to tip the world past that point of no return, so that through hard work andcommitment over the coming years we can remove warzone rape from the world’s arsenal ofcruelty.

we can’t do this overnight, we can’t do it overnight. for the british government, and forangelina and for me personally, this summit is not the end of the road for our work, it is inmany ways just the beginning.

over the next few years we must go on to show that what we agree here in london can make abig practical difference.

so in opening the fringe and the exhibitions this morning, we hope you will all work with us andbe part of this historic endeavour.

i am grateful to you all for being here.

thank you very much indeed.

初中英语演讲 篇2

hello,boys and girls .i’m very happy to have a speech in our class. i miss you could’t know something about me. don’t worry! today,i will introduce me to you. do you expect? don’t answer! i know you expect very much. as there are so many persons crazy about me,i just only say:‘‘i am only a legend.”oh,i don’t speak useless. plase pay attention to my words quickly. i start to introduce myself. in fact,i am a very very very very shy boy.my face will ture red when i meet beautiful girls.is it right? of course not.in fact,i am vely happy to meet beautiful girls. such as these,so they also notice me,and such as this thing more than once,so they also say i an a very easy to get along with and very cool.haha, i am so happy when they put it this way.because of so,there are many girls who san love me very much. for them,i only want to say :‘‘don’t be crazy about me , i am only a legend.you can love me,but don’t chase after me.”of course,it’s no wrong if you chase after me.

now, i think it’s so bored when many persons are crazy about me. i don’t want them to be crazy about me! but they stubbornly infatuated with me,what way???in fact, i am a very very very very shy boy.when they say love me when i was so shy.haha!!

now, you are probably not crazy about me.as i am such a perfect boy,i believe you sonner or later the fancied me

don’t you believe these words? oh, don’t believe these, because this only a joke.

that’t all!!!

thank you

英语演讲 篇3

Animals Need Protecting Animals are natural resources that people havewasted all through our history。 Animals have been killed for their fur andfeathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way。Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever。 Hundredsmore are on the danger list today。

About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger。 Whyshould people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone,there will never be any more。Animals are more than just beautiful orinteresting。 They are more than just a source of food。 Every animal has itsplace in the balance of nature。 Destroying one kind of animal can create manyproblems。 For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers'stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice。 Why? Because hawks eatrats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and micemultiplied quickly。 Luckily, some people are working to help save theanimals。

Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem。 And they tryto get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger。 Quite a fewcountries have passed laws。 These laws forbid the killing of any animal orplanton the danger list。 Slowly, the number of some animals in danger isgrowing。




英语演讲稿 篇4

For this test, first of all, we should be confident, should take firm and strong pace, a sunny smile, showing vigorous and vigorous spirit. Only in this way can we have enough courage to cross a road blockade on learning; only in this way, we have energy down learning on a powerful fortress; only in this way can we climb up the fall, to meet the learning on the challenge again and again.

Secondly, it should maintain a good mood, a lot of students on the examination with a psychological tension and fear, in fact, the exam is just a special form of homework, its purpose is to help us address gaps and adjust the strategy, in order to better carry out the next step of learning. Therefore, we should take in a good mood again. Of course, but also to use the scientific learning method, to improve the efficiency and quality of learning, so usually learn something through the review into their own real knowledge.

We all know: the examination to examine not only the learning of knowledge and ability, but also test the psychological quality and coping skills. The difficulties we are nervous, impetuous is the enemy of success. When we face down the papers, everyone should be a military family, not only have the strategic operation style, jueshengqianli also, there must be a tactical meticulous spirit. Very careful in reckoning, here, I hope the students can be used to test the optimal strategies and techniques, and make a satisfactory answer.

Life can have a few back stroke? Thousands of pairs of eyes looking at us, in order to hope, in order to win, in order to ideals, we dare to fight on the field, learning must also be brave to fight!

Success comes from hard work!

英语演讲稿 篇5

good morning, ladies and gentlemen, first, let me introduce myself. my name is aileen. i work as a new public relations manager for the westwood brewery. i’m going to be discuss the brewery’s corporate image -----in particular whether it needs to be changed. my presentation will last about 15 minutes. i will be using powerpoint for my talk. if you have any questions, i’ll be pleased to answer them at the end of my talk.

as you can see, i am going to examine three points: first, the history, second, the product, and third, the markets.

let’s begin with the company’s history. westwood brewery, based in london, is a traditional company. it was founded in 1778. and it’s still a family firm. we continue to run as a family firm and this is important for the corporate image. as you know the present owner is ben westwood. there was a takeover bid. that wraps up that point.

now, i’d like to discuss the second point, the company’s product. we use traditional production methods to produce an imperial stout. it’s described as dark, immense, rich with a depth of burnt fruitiness, this beer is an ideal nightcap. imperial stout is 50% stronger than any of the other beers in the export premium range. we also have horses. like this. do you remember that them delivering the beer to the local pubs at the last century? yes. we

use it to deliver the stout.

ok. let’s begin with the last point, the markets. we have make a larger which is european, a european type beer and sales have increased a lot over the last year. but, the production has actually dropped a little over the last few years, although profits have actually held up.

so, we need to change the corporate image. in the eyes of the public, a clearly defined company image is the identity of the company. it reflects the quality of their product or service. so, a good company image enhances public recognition and increased popularity will translate into great trading volume and profits.

we need to consider these items when changing our company image. marketing communications, pricing strategy, sales strategy, customer service, publicity and promotions.

so, if we consider that and do it very well, i believe our corporate image will be most perfect.

i’d like to stop here, i hope you have found this useful. and if you have any questions, i’d be happy to answer them now. thank you!

英语演讲稿 篇6

I love China! each time I see the national flag, sees the party flag, I am out of control hot tears filling the eyes. in today, various trades and occupations' working people's close unity around the Central Party Committee, diligent, has made the huge progress. although before has not developed, has missed some development opportunity, but since the reform and open policy, China's achievement has attracted worldwide attention. we the country progresses in winding, in difficulty enterprising.

Although has had many mistakes, but after each time mistake, we may see that the central committee has the firm determination to complete the matter. did from the east to the west, ecept the individual etreme destitute place, where not have the earth-shaking change! The regional common people had their land, this is wants not to dare in the pre-liberation to think. The farmer farms enthusiastic etreme high. Specially countryside middle-aged person and old person. They may under the village cadre's initiative, attempt unceasingly, plant each industrial crop, the crop are good. The young people may eit hiring out for working, goes north or goes south, one month may also make several hundred dollars.

In transferor's child goes to the elementary school and the middle school sufficiently. And in future several years, will cancel the agricultural ta, farmer's burden will not have, compares old society's oppressive taes, present's day is much better. the working class also managed a household has taken responsibility, they might choose the human who from the candidate oneself most trusted to lead their enterprise. In state enterprise reform's tide, the worker who comes off sentry duty temporarily mostly can obtain the suitable subsidy, safeguards their life.

The party and the country cares about all people. The reform labor pain will always have. Must believe the future. These public servants are devoted to the public, is the people wholeheartedly. Many cadre have many year work eperiences, because specialized, therefore remarkable, their leadership is outstanding. Is leading the people, makes one's own way together. the social convention is good, the judicature is fair, the inspector general is efficient, the evil persons and evil deeds always may to prompt solution. the society's swift development, has everywhere demonstrated the socialism superiority.

Although capitalism and so on US are more developed, but the British France Germany and so on is develops through plundering, the US is also through makes the war wealth to send. But we, are develop depending on our nation working people's perspiration and the blood! We believed that one day, we will surpass them. Demonstrates the socialism to the world people the superiority. what reason does have not to refuel does? What reason has not to have the confidence?

lets us unite together in Central Party Committee's periphery, to realize Chinese nation's great rejuvenation to struggle!









