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中国精神的英文演讲稿范文 关于中国精神的演讲稿作文

时间:2021-10-03 演讲稿 我要投稿

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公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

中国精神,就是在强敌面前,不屈不挠的视死如归;中国精神,就是在中国遇到灾难的时候,全国人民众志成城;中国精神,就是在遭到外辱的时候,挺身而出,为中国和平出一份力!以下是小编为大家整理的关于中国精神的英文演讲稿范文,供大家参考。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

中国精神的英文演讲稿范文 :

各位与会的同学,大家好!今天,我想和大家谈一谈中国精神。 公文汇,办公文档之家

中国精神是历代国人的精神内核,也是中华民族奋进的灵魂。其传承之久,五千载难尽;含义之丰,孔孟之言难蔽。所以我今天讲的只是我印象最深的两点,但也足以一窥其真谛。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

谈起中国精神,最先感受到的便是凛然正气,“天地英雄气,千秋尚凛然”即是如此。这股正气是春秋之儒的大义,伴随中华民族在悠悠千载间行歌万里。几千年前,屈原就有“亦余心之所善兮,虽九死其犹未悔”的句子,后代有岳飞,有文天祥,他们身上都有这种凛然正气。他们都面对过奸佞小人,都曾历经政治黑暗,但他们从未低下头,从未弯下腰,从未放弃对正义的忠贞,正如《楚辞》所讲,“国无人莫我知兮,又何怀乎故都”。这些民族的英雄虽已退场,思想汇报范文但那股正气却在中华民族的精神中不断加深,于今就是中国精神。 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com





Hello everyone!Today,I want to talk to you about the Chinese spirit.

The Chinese spirit is the spiritual core of the people of the past dynasties and the soul of the Chinese nation's forge ahead.It has been passed down for a long time,and it is difficult to complete for five thousand years;the meaning is abundant,and the words of Confucius and Mencius are difficult to cover.So what I talked about today is only the two points that impressed me the most,but they are enough to get a glimpse of the truth.

When talking about the Chinese spirit,the first thing I feel is the awe-inspiring righteousness,"the heroic spirit of heaven and earth,the awe-inspiring age of the world"is the case.This kind of righteousness is the great righteousness of the Confucianism of the Spring and Autumn Period,and it accompanies the Chinese nation to sing thousands of miles in a long time.Thousands of years ago,Qu Yuan had the sentence "I also have the kindness of my heart,but I still have no regrets after nine deaths."The descendants include Yue Fei and Wen Tianxiang,and they all have this kind of awe-inspiring righteousness.They have all faced treacherous villains,and they have experienced political darkness,but they have never bowed their heads,have never bowed down,and have never given up their loyalty to justice.As "The Songs of the Chu"put it,"No one in the country knows me."Xi,why don't you have the old capital".Although the heroes of these nations have retired,the righteousness has continued to deepen in the spirit of the Chinese nation,which is now the Chinese spirit.

In addition to personal qualities,the Chinese also emphasize the connection between the destiny of the individual and the country,which is manifested in the Chinese spirit as feelings for the people and the country.More than a hundred years ago,Tan Sitong said to the world at the time of the blood splattering the market: "He has the intention to kill the thief,but he is unable to return to heaven.It is so happy and happy!"Since he still has the intention to kill the thief,why did he go to death generously?Li Ao wrote a book "Beijing Fayuan Temple",which talked about the death of Tan Sitong: Tan Sitong did not have to die,he was righteous for the revolution,died for the lives of the people,and shed blood for the people.What a high sense of justice.?Thinking about it carefully,Lin Juemin and his wife said that at the expense of the welfare of the two of them,many people with lofty ideals "sought for eternal good for 40,000 people",aren't they also abandoning the ego to join the national disaster?Reading these sentences today will still bring tears to our eyes.Xin Qiji has words to express: Who is the death of the public,and the dignity is still alive.We are walking on the road paved with blood by our predecessors.It is really "being humble not to forget about the country."The Chinese spirit shines in this and is passed on here.

I'm a Chinese.When I said this,I felt a sense of pride,followed by a heavy sense of responsibility.I often ask myself,since the Chinese spirit is deeply rooted in the blood,it is abundance of righteousness and worries about the family and the country.How far have you achieved it?The answer is: there is a long way to go,and the future can be expected.

Young people of our generation are messengers of inheriting national culture.I would like to encourage everyone here,with a feeling and a responsibility,the future of the country must be prosperous and prosperous.


中国精神的英文演讲稿范文 关于中国精神的演讲稿作文



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