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时间:2022-03-18 演讲稿 我要投稿

  个人自我介绍是面试实战非常关键的一步,因为众所周知的“前因效应”的影响,你这2-3分钟见面前的自我介绍将在很大程度上决定你在各位考官心里的形象。下面是第一范文网小编整理的出国留学自我介绍,欢迎大家阅读。 稿子汇,范文学习文库




  自从进入大学以来,我一直比较勤奋,通过了大学英语六级考试。每年都获得奖学金,并且多次在全省物理以及数学竞赛中获奖。在研究生阶段,我的作品获得了第四届全国大学生船舶与海洋工程设计大赛的二等奖和三等奖,这是我们学校首次在这项比赛中获奖。 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  业余生活方面,我热爱体育。有乒乓球特长,曾任校乒乓球队队长,校乒乓球协会会长,曾代表学校参加浙江省省大学生运动会,曾获得**市乒乓球比赛的男单第三名,全校乒乓球比赛的单打、双打、团体大满贯。我也很喜欢足球,曾获全校五人制足球赛冠军。我喜欢在赛场上挥洒汗水的感觉,也很享受通过努力拼搏去获得胜利的过程。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  在平时的生活中我也比较独立,大学这几年一直过着几乎没有节假日的生活。一直都在利用周末和暑假打工,用于补贴自己的生活费以及部分的学费。每年暑假我都会在打工之后带着女朋友出去旅游,享受自己劳动的成果,同时也增长自己的见识。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  为了能学到更前沿的知识,我特申请到东京海洋大学留学。东京海洋大作为海洋研究的专业大学,非常适合做研究。我初选的导师井関 俊夫教授与我现在的导师研究方向几乎一样,因此我在专业学习上面也非常有信心。我非常渴望能够争取到此次机会,到一个更广阔的舞台去追求更加精彩的人生。







  为了能学到更前沿的知识,我特申请到东京海洋大学留学。东京海洋大作为海洋研究的专业大学,非常适合做研究。我初选的导师井関 俊夫教授与我现在的导师研究方向几乎一样,因此我在专业学习上面也非常有信心。我非常渴望能够争取到此次机会,到一个更广阔的舞台去追求更加精彩的人生。




  I am Duan Zexu. I hope to apply for International Business Management major of your graduate school. I would like to introduce myself first.

  I finished my undergraduate degree in Yanbian university of JiLin Province which is a key university in our country. I laid a solid foundation in our school with excellent education quality. My luck is inseparable from my endeavor. The competition for undergraduate school was very fierce at that time. I stood out from numerous students and outstandingly finished the first challenge of my life. At present, I have made good preparation for another challenge. That is to enter my ideal graduate school to study the major that I long for.

  I have been longing to studying further in the Netherlands which inexplicably left me a favorable impression. In order to achieve my goal, I am strict with myself. In my university stage, in addition to finishing the study school assigned, I paid special attention to two things: the news about the Netherlands and information about business management. At that time, I always edited and stuck the content of the two aspects to a big notebook. Students made fun of me, but I knew it was not a joke nor momentary impulse but my plan and choice for the future.

  Everyone pays attention to something. I have been a person who takes study as the main part of my life. I feel that there is a kind of strength which drives me to persist in my dream and strive towards it. My strong interest in business management derives from my character and specialties. I have become a person who likes sorting out materials and is good at summarizing and researching.

  My father asked what I would like to do in the future. At that time, I told him that I wanted to engage in work involving communication skill, organization and management ability instead of some simple and easy work. I hope to study new knowledge and constantly improve myself in work and study. Gradually, I found that business management can fulfill my desires.

  I apply for your graduate school not only for my future work which is really an important part of my life but also for the learning process. It will be the greatest happiness for me if I can study my favorite major in the city I long to be in. After enriching my processional knowledge and realizing my ideal, I will fully apply my learned knowledge to work. I hope to make some achievements in the future.


