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时间:2017-10-18 简历求职 我要投稿

  本页是网络最新发布的《英文优秀员工推荐信》的详细范文参考文章,觉得应该跟大家分享,希望大家能有所收获。 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  英文优秀员工推荐信 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  有时候,请你写推荐信的人并不都是在行业内做出了很大成绩的人。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  这时你可能会觉得没有什么可写的、也很难将空泛的溢美之词放在这个人身上。其实,你可以写一些这位员工的工作细节,以此来突出他的优秀品质和能力。比如下面这位经理为一位员工写的推荐信,读起来非常的情真意切,让人感觉他推荐的确实是位好员工。 公文汇,办公文档之家

  To Whom it May Concern: 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  I've been Michael Smith's manager at XYZ Engineering for almost four years.It was my pleasure to promote Michael to mechanical engineer last year,because he consistently meets and often exceeds his job requirements.

  Michael is an enthusiastic,dedicated employee with reliable work habits.He often does not need guidance or supervision,but willingly accepts it when offered.He is consistently successful in improving his skills,and he works hard to do so.

  Michael is always willing to pitch in to help the team,and he gets the job done right the first time.He is efficient in planning projects,punctual in meeting deadlines,and conscientiously adheres to company standards and guidelines.

  You'd be hard pressed to find an employee more dedicated than Michael,and I recommend him as a rock-solid addition to your engineering staff.If you'd like more information,I'd be happy to provide it.Please call the phone number above and ask for me by name.



  John Doe

  Manager,Mechanical Engineering



★会计学专业 自荐信参考





★中文专业 自荐信参考2


