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时间:2018-02-06 简历求职 我要投稿

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  Banking Resume银行简历

稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  Banking Resume Tips 银行简历小贴士

公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  Career opportunities for banking professionals are usually abundant.No matter you are applying for a position of CFO or Financial Controller,Financial Analyst or Planner,Portfolio Manager or Investment Consultant,the requisites for a banking resume are same for all. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  一般来说,银行从业人员的工作机会是很丰富的。无论你申请的是CFO或财务总监,财务分析师或策划师,投资组合经理或投资顾问,银行简历所要满足的必要条件是大致相同的。 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  Divide your banking resume into distinct sections and sub-sections,using short paragraphs and bullet points to make it easy for a reader to scan.Professional experience is the most important section and should be placed at the top.Education normally goes beneath,followed by ancillary information like language and other skills.


  Resume Template简历模板

  Contact Information : 联系方式

  ·Full name 全名热门思想汇报

  ·Campus and permanent addresses学校和永久住址

  ·Telephone numbers电话号码

  ·Email address邮箱地址

  Career Objective : 职业目标

  A short statement of career objective is often useful at the top of your banking resume.


  Summarize Your Key Qualifications : 总结你拥有的关键的任职资格:

  While writing your banking resume,it is crucial to summarize your strengths and key qualifications at the top half of the first page.


  'Chief banking officer with 15 years of corporate accounting and management experience.Expertise in accounting systems development,fiscal management and financial reporting.Proven record of developing and implementing financial and operational controls that improve P&L status significantly'.


  Areas of Expertise : 专业领域

  Mention your areas of expertise with a list of keywords that are pertinent to your career.


  ·Financial and Strategic Planning

  ·P&L Management

  ·Auditing and Compliance

  ·Operating and Working Capital

  ·Budget Management

  ·Mergers and Acquisitions

  ·Cash Flow Management and Modeling

  ·Business Valuations









  Emphasize on Your Accomplishments :

  Show quantifiable results of your work - this is one of the most important points about writing your banking resume!For Example: 'Instrumental in revenue and income growth of 76% over a 15-month period,through both organic growth and acquisitions'.'Increased cash flow by $15 million by consolidating credit analysis function,reducing outstanding receivables from 48 to 15 days,and minimizing risk from marginal customers'.



  Keywords : Use keywords as recruiters use them extensively to search resume databases.


  Keyword Phrases : 关键字词组:

  Fixed asset accounting,business process re-engineering,risk management,value added analysis,SAP,GAAP,financial projections,general ledger,trial balance,financial statements,expense analysis,tax reporting,tax planning,payroll,benefits administration,portfolio management,cross functional team leadership,financial and strategic planning,P &L management,auditing and compliance,operating and working capital,budget management,mergers and acquisitions,cash flow management,business valuations,data warehouse reporting,audits and compliance,A/P,A/R,regulatory accounting,CA,ICWA,MBA,ICFAI,MS Excel,bank reconciliation,Crystal reports and spreadsheets.

  固定资产账户,业务流程改进,风险管理,附加价值分析,SAP,GAAP,财务分析,总账,试算表,财务报表,费用分析,税务申报,税收筹划,工资册,福利管理,投资组合管理,跨职能团队的领导,财务和战略规划,盈亏管理,审计和合规,经营和周转资金,预算管理,合并和收购,现金流管理,资产评估,数据仓库报告,审计和合规,A/P,A/R,管理会计,CA,ICWA,MBA,ICFAI,MS Excel,银行对账单,水晶报表和电子表格。

  Keywords as titles : 关键词作为标题:

  Staff accountant,financial planner,cost accountant,portfolio manager,finance manager,financial reporting analyst,international controller,financial analyst,VP of finance,CFO,chief financial officer,treasurer,assistant controller,book-keeper,accounts payable clerk,accounts receivable clerk,collections specialist,mutual fund analyst,credit analyst,payroll clerk,payroll manager,financial assistant,director of investor relations,procurement specialist and or purchasing manager.











