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时间:2009-02-06 简历求职 我要投稿

  Who is your character?


  What does your character need? 稿子汇,范文学习文库

  What relationship does your character have with the character played by the interviewer or another candidate? 公文汇,办公文档之家


稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  1. A: How are you? 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  B: Not bad. How about you?

  A: I am very well, thank you!

  B: It’s been a long time that we haven’t seen each other.

  A: It’s really has been a long time.

  2. A: Hi, I’m Jack.

  B: I’m Jean.

  A: Nice to meet you.

  B: Me, too.

  A: Where are you from?

  B: Beijing, China.

  A: Oh, really! Are you have on vacation or on business?

  B: Neither. I’m a student here.

  A: Is that right? Which university?

  B: Eastern Washington University.

  A: What are you studying?

  B: Business Education

  A: Oh, that sounds interesting.

  B: Not bad. What about you? Are you a student, too?

  A: No, I work for an auto company in town.

  3. A: Hi, I’m ××.

  B: I’m ××.

  A: Glad to meet you.

  B: Nice to meet you.

  A: Are you from around here?

  B: No, from China, but I live in the States.

  A: Really? No wonder you speak English so well.

  What do you do?

  B: I’m an analyst.

  A: You mean a psychoanalyst or an economic analyst?

  B: Neither, a stock market analyst.

  A: Oh, it’s no easy job to analyze and predict the quotations on the stock exchange. Do you work in town?

  B: Yeah, I work for the Marloo Research Institute.

  A: Mm.. sounds great.

  B: Well, what about you, what’s your job?

  A: I’m a truck driver.

  B: I just can’t imagine driving a huge truck.

  A: It’s easy. You want try it? It’s fun.

  B: Oh, thank you, but I prefer not.

  ? 电话用语

  1. A: Hello, is ××in now?

  B: I’m sorry, you have the wrong number.

  A: Oh, I’m really sorry.

  A: Hello, this is ××, I would like to speak to ××.

  B: Sorry, she is not here. Do you have any message for her?

  A: I’ll call again in 20 minutes.

  2. A: Hello?

  B: Hello! Lucy? This is Ted.

  A: Oh, hello, Ted, how are you doing?

  B: Fine thanks, Lucy, how are you?

  A: pretty good. What’s on your mind?

  B: What are you doing this weekend?

  A: Nothing. Why?

  B: Well, I’m having several friends over for dinner this coming Saturday, and I was wondering if you’ll have time to join us.

  A: Sounds interesting. What time would you like me to come?

  B: Is six o’ clock all right?

  A: That’s fine. I think I can make it.

  B: Very good. I’ll see you Saturday. Good-bye.

  A: Thank you for calling. So long.

  3. A: ×× office. What can I do for you?

  B: Hi, this ××of ABC company. Is Mr. Robin there?

  A: Wait a minute, I’ll go and find him. Sorry, he is not in the office at the moment.

  B: Could you tell me where I can get him on e phone now? I’ve got something urgent.

  A: I have no idea where he is, but he said he would be back early this afternoon. He’ll be having a sales meeting. Can I take a message?

  B: Yes, please. Would you ask him to call me as soon as he gets backs. The phone number is ….

  A: …, is that right?

  B: Yes.

  A: And your name is?

  B: ×× of ABC Company.

  A: I got it. Ok, I will have Mr. Robin call you the moment he comes back.

  B: Thanks a lot.

  A: You’re welcome. Good-bye.

  ? 问路

  1. A: Excuse me, could you show me how to get to ××?

  2. A: I am lost. Is there a subway station around here?

  3. A: Excuse me. Do you know how to get to ××?

  4. A: Where can I find ××, please?


  1. Ok, you go south three blocks. On your right hand side. You will see a huge building. That’s it.

  2. Yes, you go this way until you get to the next traffic light. The subway entrance is just over there.

  3. I’m sorry. I’m not familiar with this area, please ask somebody else.

  4. Keep walking down this hall way and in front of the escalator on the right hand side, you’ll find it.

  ? 闲聊


  A: What a stuffy hot day!

  B: I can’t stand this kind of weather anymore.

  A: What weird weather.

  B: It’s probably due to the so- called El Nino effect.

  A: The TV said that today we might have rain.

  B: Don’t you believe the weather forecasts?

  A: It’s always wrong.

  B: But you’d better bring an umbrella with you.


  A: What kind of TV programs do you like?

  B: I like watching new programs.

  A: Why do you like to watch that kind of program.









