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时间:2017-11-17 简历求职 我要投稿



  金融专业个人英文简历范文 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  其实不管是中文还是英文简历,文体都不是一成不变的。对于求职者来讲,目的明确、语言简练行之有效。所有fwsir小编整理了相关的模板给大家,快来阅读参考吧。 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  金融专业范文 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  Education 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  2009/09~2013/06 Shanghai University of Finance&Economics

  Major: Banking and International Finance

  GPA(major): 3.6/4.0

  Degree: Bachelor

  GPA(over all): 3.02/4.0

  2013/09~2013/07 Cardiff University

  Major: International Economics Banking and Finance

  Degree: Master

  Research Experience

  2009/10 "Gambling Analysis of Product Quality Reduction in Price War": Established a price competition mode,took the product’s quality and price as the manufacturer’s decision variable and inducted them to the model,made use of gambling analysis to explain the reason of simultaneous reduction of quality as well as price in the price war,analyzed price competition’s balanced economical condition when the product’s quality could change,proposed the solution of Pareto invalid question caused by price war.

  2010/04 "Problem of RMBGlobalization": Through researching on currency internationalization’s general rule and combining the actual situation of our country’s economy development,elaborated the problem of RMB internationalization’s advancement.

  2011/10-2012/07 Went to England to study as the exchange student,studied in SOUTHAMPTON in the junior year,understood the overseas’ educational model and life,participated in a lot of social practice,realized different culture and academic atmosphere.

  Social Experience

  2009/02—2009/05 Practiced in Department of Finance,China Hardware Minerals Import and Export Corporation

  Responsibility: Sorted the bills and made the financial report form,familiar with basic finance work flow,understood intercourse flow between the company and the bank,studied and made use of financial software as well as the basic knowledge of audits and accountant to complete the work.

  2010/07—2010/09 Practiced inDepartment of Finance,Beijing Hengfu Sunshine Business Management Ltd,Corporation

  Responsibility:Sorted the bills and made the financial report form,familiar with basic finance work flow

  2011/11—2012/01 Worked as the sale assistant in Soccer (sale of sports commodity in England)

  Responsibility:Worked as the sale assistant and did the financial work

  2012/02—2013/03 Practiced in Alleys Accounting Firm

  Responsibility:Assisted the group leader in financial audit work,proofreading,glancing through the certificate,studying to make the report form and so on.









