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时间:2021-12-26 工作报告 我要投稿

  在外企工作的朋友因为私人理由想要辞职怎么办?面对看不懂中文的外国老大辞职报告怎么写呢?下面第一范文网小编给大家分享几篇私人理由的英文辞职报告,一起看一下吧! 稿子汇,范文学习文库



  Dear 稿子汇 www.gaozihui.com

  I am offering my resignation as operations manager of the plant, effective May 15. As of now, I’m not quite sure where I’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise. 公文汇,办公文档之家

  Frankly, Vernon, I was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. Through years of excellent performance appraisals, I was led to believe I was in line for that position. Under the circumstances, I think you’ll understand my decision to resign. 公文汇 www.gongwenhui.com

  I do appreciate the management training I’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career I decide to pursue. My best wishes for the company’s continued growth.







  SUBJECT: Resignation

  Please accept my resignation as Associate Chemist at Research, Inc.; my last day will be August 15, 19–.

  While enjoying assigned projects and contributing to the company’s overall growth, I feel my work tasks here have not allowed me to investigate projects in which I developed a keen interest during my graduate studies. Therefore, I have accepted a position more in line with those interests at Meadows Chemical Company.

  This decision has been difficult due to the rewarding relationships developed during the past three years. Please accept my thanks for your unquestionable support and leadership here at Inc..



  After months of reviewing the outlook for the company in the wake of this economic downturn, I see no other alternative than to resign my position as chief financial officer with HHH (company). Needless to say, after 12 years of service, this decision was not an easy one.

  Please make my resignation effective January 31, which is the end of my scheduled vacation. I will turn over all company books and settle my accounts prior to that date.

  I look back on the experience gained and the friends made with much regard. My association with HHH has been a valued part of my life.

  Good luck to you in the years to come.



